Hitchin' a ride from Elder Garcia |
This was the Thanksgving dinner that we made ...Fried Chicken and even a little bubbly! |
Bed and bikes - Elder Garcia |
My shoes that Sister Farrell gave me before I left |
The week was full of exciting things.
First thing is that our area has doubled its size which is not all that big, but will be bigger than we are used too.Tthe stake is trying to split, so they put 2 new units in the Teshie area making 3 units into 5 and by thend of next year they want to make a stake.. so I took over half of one of the areas right next to ours and it has doubled our teaching pool. So big things are happening.
Also, we did some service this week. We were able to join in with an organization to help some kids have an enjoyable Christmas. There was about 90 missionaries or so and 1500 kids. The kids were just off the street, the first 1500 into the program would be the ones to enjoy. So we had games and shows and bounce houses and food. It was really good for the kids. They had one of the most exciting days of the year Its pretty weird to think though, most of those kids just live on the street, and the fun they had will end but at least we were able to have fun with them. Another cool thing was that at the service project was all of the Salone missionaries that you sent Christmas gifts for. I love talking to them and Sister Kailie made me my favorite dish, Kasava leaf! So I have been enjoying that for the past few days. It made me feel like I was back in Salone, people love to feed us there!
The packages that you sent have arrived. Elder Nyelenke, Elder Charles and sister Kailie have seen theirs and Sister Stevens should get hers tomorrow. Wow you should have heard these three missionaries call me the day they got them! They feel so loved and happy. Elder Nyelenke said he wanted to email Jana to thank her for the gifts (he did and its posted below), and said that our family will always be close in his heart. Elder Nyelenke is a really cool guy, always happy and greatful for everything. Sister Kailie was so thankful. She had been praying for a way to get a camera, she wanted to get one but couldnt, so she was so happy! She loves everything that Grandma and Aunt Pam sent for her. She said she wants to call on Christmas to thank the Anderson family. Elder Charles was also very appreciative. He is a very quiet guy, but very grateful. It was so cool to see them light up like that, Thank you! You really made them feel very loved.
Well I call you on Christmas with more!
love elder beckett
Sister Kailie on the left and Sister Stevens on the right |
Thank you email from Elder Nyelenke to Jana:
Dear Sister Beckett,
I am so grateful to our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ for the privileged I have to write you this mail. How are you doing? I hope you are doing well and fine with all ur day to day affairs in the U.S.A I know that you will be so surprised to received an email from someone that you never knows well my name is elder Gassimu Nyelenke I am a Sierra Leonean by nationality serving mission in Ghana your brother met me in Ghana whiles they were evacuated from my country because of Ebola he is a great missionary he loves people so much he never knew me but the day I met him for the very first time it was fun he can even speak our country language very well I was so surprised at him like said within myself what a white man speaking my country language.
Compliment of the season in advanced I just wanted to share this small thought with you. "And the angels said unto them, fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people". "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a saviour, which is Christ the lord" Luke2:10-11.
Lets us make Christmas a time of rejoicing and celebration, a time to share the marvelous truth that Almighty God sent His be gotten son, Jesus Christ to redeem the world! May the joy of that knowledge be with you this Christmas season and throughout the coming year.
Thanks for the wonderful Christmas gift that you sent for me may the good Lord continues to open the windows of heaven and pour out more blessings for you and your family where there shall not be enough room to receive it. You will always be in my heart I hope we shall continue to get in touch with each other. Thanks for reading and accepting my mail.
Elder Nyelenkeh |