I cant belive the faces that I am seeing in these photos|!!!!! What do you call that orange rice(spanish rice - oh okay, we call it jollof here)? Our home looks unreal sometimes. The pics are nice! Life at home doesn't seem real. BTW: you sent me a letter about what I want to eat when I come home. I was thinking I have missed 4th of july and thanksgiving. So if we could have a bar-b-q for forth of july, and a small thanksgiving dinner that would be so sweet.
I was looking at my Instagram on a members phone who wanted to see my Instagram and boy have I changed. The things I thought were funny and the style I was having are not me again.
I was singing our national anthem this week of course, and the second and third verses are my favorite. The third verse talks about how we should praise the power that has preserved us a nation, and our motto in God is our trust.
Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, for our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
It doesn't seem as though we (U.S.) are having too much trust in God for him to preserve us as a nation when I hear about all this gay marriage approval and the white house being lit up in rainbow.
Any ways we light off fireworks this week. Well some of our members did, they were more than happy to do it for us. There was a Chinese store in our area, so we bought them there. There are lots of Chinese people in Tema because of the port but the Chinese really know how to make Roman candles! 8 shots, with mortar power, for 75 cents a stick.
4th of July fireworks |
We got a new ward mission leader this week and we are so happy to work with him. Almost all our ward mission leaders have been young single adults, so we are happy to work with an older sealed family man. His name is brother Kufualor.
Well God Bless the USA and the Church.
Elder Beckett